Plant Kingdom of Fresno, California Logo

Plants homegrown with love in the Central Valley of California

To Order Plants Today call (559) 708-0763 or use our Contact Form

Plants To Enhance Your Living Environment

Welcome to Plant Kingdom

At Plant Kingdom every plant is created and planted from scratch. If it isn’t from seed it is taken from pieces of cuttings from plants that can be propagated.  Each plant is given the love and care that it deserves. 

We are blessed to live and be located in the heart of the Central Valley in Fresno, California. This is truly the breadbasket of the USA; more than likely the world. So enjoy and if you need help growing and tending to your garden or space where you grow your favorite plant, shrub, trees, flowering plants, contact us at the Plant Kingdom! 

Ernie Vera, Owner & Grower
Purple Lantana by Plant Kingdom, Fresno, CA
A quaint corner of Plant Kingdom featuring Purple Lantana. Very nice perennial (year round) in winter. With profuse flowering, most of the year!

Plants As Gifts

Plants are a perfect gift for your loved ones, friends, and neighbors.


Plants For Home

A great way to add beautify and serenity to your yard is with plants.

Plants for Business

Landscaping and office plants enhance the work environment.

Some Of Our Plants Available For Purchase

Hollyhocks--These plants love the Valley heat. They are strong and can also stand our winters!
This rugged and beautiful plant is the red oleander. It grows and is adapted to the Central Valleys hot and dry summers. Growing on freeways.
Growing peppers is tasty!
Succulent from Plant Kingdom in Fresno, CA
We specialize in succulents.
We love seeing these plants flourish and bloom.
Cacti are another one of our specialty growing items.
Cactus plants from Plant Kingdom, Fresno, CA
Hearty growers!
Ivy is a very nice plant in planters or in the ground.
At Plant Kingdom, at the early stages of formation. Most of these plants: Alow Vera, cactus and some ivy (hedera helix). 

Above is just a small sample of what we grow for you. If you are looking for something in particular, contact us and we will let you know if we have it in stock.

The Plant Kingdom Dogs

Plant Kingdom dog Sparky
This little guy is NOT FOR SALE! His name is Sparky Vera and is a character. 
Plant Kingdom dog Nicholas
This little fellow is NOT FOR SALE either! He is Nicholas and is my pride and joy!

Contact Us

To Order Plants Today call (559) 708-0763 or use our Contact Form

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©2019 Plant Kingdom. Fresno, California